At the Children's Therapy Center of the Quad Cities, we are very fortunate to receive support from a wide variety of businesses, clubs, organizations and individuals. The generous support of those listed below make life-changing achievements a reality for the children we serve. Thank you to our Brighter Future Partners!

Alina's Story
Tiny, but oh so mighty!
“Alina Rose came out swinging at 4 lbs. 14 oz. six years ago and has been fighting an uphill health battle ever since. In addition to being diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called TBR1 related syndrome in May 2019, Alina has also been diagnosed with autism, focal epilepsy, hypotonia, intellectual disability and global developmental delays. She is non-verbal and immobile. Even with these multiple disabilities, she is the happiest little girl and continues to radiate joy and light to all who know and love her.”
–Alina’s mom, Katie
Alina has been part of our CTC family since she was a baby—receiving physical, occupational, speech and feeding therapy. Despite her multiple challenges, Alina continues to defy the odds by meeting and exceeding the many limitations that others have placed on her. She continues to gain strength and is now able to sit unassisted, hold a sippy cup, feed herself finger foods and use the potty with assistance.

Rock Island County Mental Health Board (708)
Chris & Becky McAlister Family
Sheila Murphy Foundation
Wilbert J. & Carol A. Keppy Charitable Foundation
The Vonderhaar Family Foundation
Grant W. Brissman & Virginia M. Brissman Foundation
Moon Family Charitable Gift Fund
Hunt & Diane Harris Family Foundation
Pam Pray Memorial 4 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Rock Island Community Foundation
Doris & Victor Day Foundation
Dr. Chris & Leanna Moen
Sharon Michaelsen
Charles & Rebecca Roberts
Wanda Robb
Bill & Sharon Barrett
Lawrence W. Matteson Trust
Gerald & Mary Ann Severen Foundation
Henry County Independent Insurance Agents
Davenport Kiwanis Club
East Moline/Silvis Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis of Geneseo
Henry County Independent Insurance Agents, Inc.
Moline Pilot Club
Andy & Betsy Recker
East Moline Silvis Rotary Club
North Scott Rotary
East Moline Community Fund
Sheila Guse
Johnson-Watkins Family Foundation